Ayam Tandoori Goreng...

Today, Love masak Ayam Tandoori Goreng...a recipe that has been KIV for some time...this recipe is from KakHanieliza...the famous Chef in town! I'm sure most of U know her right?...
Just loved this chicken...crispy n yummy! Rishie really enjoyed it...so do my younger sis who paid us a visit today...;))
So, kalau ada sapa2 yang belum lagi cuba Ayam Tandoori Goreng nih, bolehlah try erk...
Love CnP resipi dari umah KakHanieliza...Tks kak! :)

- 1 ekor ayam [potong kecil dan bersihkan]
- 1 paket rempah tandoori MAGGI
- 3 s/b cili mesin
- 1 s/b serbuk kunyit
- 5 s/b tepung goreng ayam (Love gune tpg Kentucky)
- 2 sb tepung beras (optional)
- 3 ulas bawang merah ]
- 2 ulas bawang putih ] mesin halus
- 2 inci halia ]
- garam
- Gaulkan semua bahan dan perapkan selama 1/2 jam
- Gorengkan dalam minyak yg banyak sehingga garing.

Tuk dish sampingan, Love buat Rasam dan sayur Carrot with Beijing Cabbage Mix...
Gambar rasam takde, coz dah banyak kali posing b4 this...:))

sedap nampak love ayam tuh, your mum n your granma punya recipe ader x tuk tandoori nih... hehehe... kalo ader letak yer, nk try lerrr... heheh... i like!
ReplyDeleteK.Anawahid --> Hehe, my grandma dun eat tandoori. My mum as well, coz she's a Vegetarian. Dun think they got any recipe for that la kak. Sorry yer! :)
ReplyDeleteHi LOVE...dah almost mid night baru akak dapat ke rumah Love...apa yang disibukkan sgt entahlah...
ReplyDeleteBanyak juga juadah Love hari ni....as usual..ayam akak tak makan..but will try out for my family someday...
What caught my attention??? The Rassam....I nak try your recipe someday...tak payah letak rempah rassam ke LOVE? I rasa I bought rempah Rassam Babas...the other day...tapi tak tergambar...how it should look!...Tak payah letak boiled egg or fish ke dalam Rassam tu LOVE?
I pernah dengar ada orang buat Rassam telur rebus and infact letak ikan tongkol pun ada juga...will it still be called Rassam?
Cikgu LOVE..jangan marah yer anak murid tanya banyak soalan dan kemusykilan...
Thanks for sharing....nite2 sweetie!
Emmm sedapnye nampak. kami kat sini pon sehari dua ni asyik teringin nak makan ayam yang goreng-goreng je. Nak buat lah nanti bila dapat rempah tandoori nih. heheheh. :D
ReplyDeleteKakWatie --> Ooh, Akak mmg tak mkn ayam ke kak?
ReplyDeleteFor the rasam, Love tak suka guna rempah readymade. Buat rempahnya sendiri jek, it's in the recipe. Keke. Sbb Love sll buat rasam, Love dah simpan sedikit rempah homemade dlm fridge pun. Tak susah kak, cuma kisar halus Jintan putih(sepeket) bersama Lada hitam (1/2 peket). Then simpan dlm fridge. Bila nak buat rasam, boleh add jer satu sudu besar ikut suka. ;)
Love langsung tak pernah dgr Rasam ada ikan or telur la kak. Doubt it's rasam! ;) Hehehe. Usually it's made like a vegetarian soup aje. :)
Hihi, no probz kak.
Ijan, Love pun suka mkn ayam goreng, than curries. Keke. Rishie lagilah! ;) Next, nak cuba ur chicken kfc tuh! keke :)
ReplyDeletewow...nmpak so yummy n resipi pun simple je!! kena masuk list ni!!
ReplyDeletesuka sangat2 dengan vege tu! ada resepi kan? kalau gi indian restaurant mesti nak vege macam tuh....sedapnya! so simple yet it's so nice:)
ReplyDeleteermmms sedap2 .. x syak lagi
ReplyDeletevery lucky kan family LOVE .. sbb love seorang ibu yg pandai memasak dan rajin memasak !
K.Ain --> Hehe, masuk list kak! Pasti suka...:)
ReplyDeleteCheryna --> Yeah, that vege is a popular Indian dish kan. Resipinya senang sgt...will post it ;)
ReplyDeleteK.Ieda --> Hehe, suka masak...tapi malas ada sikit2 sometimes. But when it comes to think of my family..Love happy masak. :)