♥...Awards and Cards Receiving Day...♥

Okey, today I gonna post all the awards and cards I received during my absence from blogworld last month. Thanks a zillion to all of U who thought of me! I love receiving awards...firstly, it's bcoz I'm remembered...second, it acts as a boost to continue as blogger...
Alright, let's start with few awards from a same person! It's none other than my new-found friend in cyberworld...Ms. Kiran (US)...appreciate ur thoughts ya! There a plenty of awards given, but I'll take those I don't have till now...okey???

Interesting Blog Award from Kak Intan...a Mom who loves cooking, stitching and decoupage!
And I would like to pass these awards ( U may choose whichever/all) to..
Cool Lassi(e) http://pangravykadaicurry.blogspot.com
KakNor http://secubitgaramnor67.blogspot.com
Kak E-Na http://e-nalovelykitchen.blogspot.com
Kak Hana http://hanamemories.blogspot.com
Ros http://www.jintanmanis.com
KakUmmi http://ummizaihadi-homesweethome.blogspot.com
Sue@Nenie http://syurie.blogspot.com
Kak DayangJack http://dayangjack.blogspot.com
Datin El http://datinelyokmasakduluek.blogspot.com
Cikgu Nor http://nuhamaisarah.blogspot.com
Rokiah http://rokiahabdulaziz.blogspot.com
MamaHawa http://mama-hawa.blogspot.com
Treat n Trick http://treatntrick.blogspot.com
Kak Maz http://ilhamdapur.blogspot.com
3E http://blog-3e.blogspot.com
Nurindah http://mysweetlife-nurindah.blogspot.com
Suhaina http://mysingaporekitchen.blogspot.com
Ika http://kurniaanmu.blogspot.com
Jiya http://14sept.blogspot.com
Kak Inahar http://myinahar67.blogspot.com
Kak Lina_pg http://linapg.blogspot.com
Kak Ham http://keluargairuti.blogspot.com
Kak Anawahid http://waheedeana77.blogspot.com
Emilia http://sakuraiman.blogspot.com
Kak Azura http://ohhindahnya.blogspot.com
Mamatiera http://mamatierakitchen.blogspot.com
Kak Nur http://fiqah99.blogspot.com
Kak Zai http://dapurcomelku.blogspot.com
Kak Intan http://jariintanku.blogspot.com
Kak LG http://salam2benua.blogspot.com
Kak CM http://mamakitchen-makcikmanggis.blogspot.com
Faheem Jr http://kasehabadi.blogspot.com
Kak InaKL http://www.kakinakl.com
Kak D http://nmy-houseofsatay.blogspot.com
Kak Fiza Nordin http://fizanordin.blogspot.com
Kak Atie http://azatiesayang.blogspot.com
Kak Yat Maria http://yateasybakes.blogspot.com
Kak Rose http://seripayaku.blogspot.com
Ijan http://www.blogresipi.com
Priya http://priyaeasyntastyrecipes.blogspot.com
Priya http://recipes-priya.blogspot.com
Gulmohar & Nostalgia http://cookingpals.blogspot.com
Faraliza http://faralizakhadir.blogspot.com
Kak Ayu http://curlybabesatisfaction.blogspot.com
Kak Hazila http://hazila.blogspot.com
Kak Rosaliza http://embunrosaliza.blogspot.com
Kak Asma http://kaksma.blogspot.com
Kak Fmina08 http://fmina08.blogspot.com
Sathya Sridhar http://samayalcorner.blogspot.com
Mary Moh http://www.keeplearningkeepsmiling.com
Kak Zanarose http://zanavilla.blogspot.com
Kak Jun http://yummylicious-jun.blogspot.com
Kak Chik Mi http://qasehmu-abadi.blogspot.com
Sonia http://nasilemaklover.blogspot.com
Juwita http://juwitafariz.blogspot.com
Pete http://peteformation.blogspot.com
MamaFami http://mamafami.blogspot.com
Fimere http://auxdelicesdesgourmets.blogspot.com
Jagruti http://joyofcooking247.blogspot.com
Preety http://preetyskitchen.blogspot.com
Kak AlongRoz http://homekreation-recipes.blogspot.com
Lyana http://adik-abang.blogspot.com
Sushma Mallya http://authenticfooddelights.blogspot.com
Kak JC http://jceastmeetwestkitchen.blogspot.com
Kak Maria http://salamdariborneo.blogspot.com
Kak Watie http://watiermanlife.blogspot.com
Sharmilee http://sharmis-passions.blogspot.com
Aymy http://aymywithlove.blogspot.com
Akal's http://www.saappadu.com
Hasue http://sue-hasue.blogspot.com
Kak Norli http://norlilovescake.blogspot.com
Kak Tie http://kayteeze2.wordpress.com
Sha http://cheryna.blogspot.com
Kak Mimieloma http://mimieloma.blogspot.com
Eryn http://nazreenlove.blogspot.com
Kak Ieda http://iedaimmi.blogspot.com
Amy http://schwenkeena.blogspot.com
Kak NJ http://hari-hari-nj.blogspot.com
Ina http://wwwcoretankehidupanku.blogspot.com
Mummyseri http://mummyalyssa.blogspot.com
Nadiah Sidek http://ummsyuhada.blogspot.com
Anits http://cheerbeauty.blogspot.com
Ash~Levin http://ash-levin.blogspot.com
Leen Hussain http://cetusanselera.blogspot.com
Siddhi S http://siddhiscookingexperiences.blogspot.com
Deepa http://hamareerasoi.blogspot.com
Beena Shylesh http://mykitchen-been.blogspot.com
Uma http://umasculinaryworld.blogspot.com
Tracie Moo http://bittersweetflavours.blogspot.com
Padhu http://padhuskitchen.blogspot.com
Prani http://pranithworld.blogspot.com
Nithu Bala http://www.nithubala.com
Pavithra http://www.dishesfrommykitchen.com
Kak Gerau http://mamapanda-mamapanda.blogspot.com
Simply Food http://simplysensationalfood.blogspot.com
Eliza http://elizasfamily.blogspot.com
Phewwww!!! That's all I could list now...it's random as per updates this morning..
Thousands apologies if I've missed out some names here. My connection is getting bad...and I gotto stop. Don't hesitate to accept the awards from me...after all we are friends na!
Following the awards, I've got...
Gorgeous Roses from Kak Azatie
Lots and lots of Thank You to U ladies!
May our Friendship in this cyberworld remains!

Congrats on the Awards!
ReplyDeleteMay you have many more in future! :)
Happy Sunday to you too! :)
Congrats on all your awards.
ReplyDeletePictures of your New House look very beautiful.Love the black and white kitchen theme.Marine tank looks colorful.
wah..byknya award! btw, tq 4 the award sis! ingat jgk kat nadiah ye. really appreciate it ;)
ReplyDeletehi <3...congrats on the well deserved awards dear...and thanks for sharing them with me.
ReplyDeleteI am leaving on a vacation tomorrow.I will come back and catch up with all your yummy recipes.My daughter was admiring your kids pictures and your kitchen. Congrats on your awards and thanks for passing it to me.Have a good day!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your awards Ms love and thanks so much for sharing it with all of us too...have a lovely day and enjoy..
ReplyDeleteCongrads on ur awards, very happy for u...thanks for sharing the wards with us. very kind of u to remember us all.
ReplyDeleteMay Allah shower his blessings on u and ur family.
Take care.
félicitation pour les prix tu les mérites amplement
ReplyDeletej'accepte tes prix avec plaisir merci beaucoup mon amie
bonne journée
ok darling..next time akak come again to collect all yer...tq..muahhhh
ReplyDeleteCongrats on those awards and thanks so much for sharing them with us, really appreciate it.....
ReplyDeletecongrats on d award...n thx machi for sharing....mmmuahhh
ReplyDeleteCongrats dear on ur awards, u truly deserve it...Thanks for sharing dear!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all your well deserved awards..Thanks for sharing them all with us..will post soon..
ReplyDeleteWah macam macam award ada..Many thanks dear :)
ReplyDeleteHello Love dearie..
ReplyDeleteWoowww, so long the listing, hahaa..as long as the awards hanged up here..Thanks so very much for the awards, I'll take which I want k..hahaa, kena cari lori panjang dulu laa...muaahhh!
Congrats, I want MJ, I want MJ!
ReplyDeleteUma ~~> Hi Uma, thanks ya! ;)
ReplyDeleteKiran ~~> Thanks alot for ur lovely thoughts and comments ya! :)
Nadiah ~~> Hehe, mana leh lupa kat Safiyyah! kiki ;)
Deliah's ~~> Thanks ya...pls accept them from me! ;)
Padhu ~~> Owh, that's so sweet! Have a great vacation ya, take care! ;)
Sushma ~~> Hi Sush, same to U dear! ;)
Fimere ~~> U deserved them my friend!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteKak Ina ~~> Sure kak, pls take them...U deserved! ;)
Treat ~~> Thanks for accepting it kak!!! :)
Anits ~~> Hey machi, thanks for accepting them ya! :)
Priya ~~> Thanks Priya...U deserved them too! ;)
Nithu Bala ~~> Thanks ya...U deserved them too ;)
ReplyDeleteIjan ~~> A ah! Mcm2 ada Ijan...ambikkkk! hihihi ;)
KakUmmi ~~> Hehehe, actually I wanna list more kak, but my connection was bad! Okey, bak lori ye! hihi, take whichever U like...all pun okey! ;)
Pete ~~> Hehe Pete...I knew U'll take the MJ! ;)
juice is grt.and congrts on ur award.....
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all ur awards dear sweety,,,n thanks for reminding me n sharing with me..
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all your awards wishing you many more to come.Thankyou for dropping by my blog your visit nad comments are very much appreciated.
ReplyDeletewow dear, that's loads and loads of awards with lots and lots of receivers, hahaha!!! thank you so much for sharing these with me la!!! you're so sweet as always!!! and congratulations to you for all those awards!!!! enjoy and have a great day!!!
ReplyDeletecongrats on ur awards, dear!!..and thank u so so much for remembering me!!...ll post ur award soon...i must say i really loved ur new home..i just showed it to my hubby, he showed it to everyone in the house..everyone liked it so much!!...can i ask u one thing?....r u from chennai or mumbai?
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your awards and thanks very much for passing them to me. Appreciate very much!
ReplyDeleteBeena ~~> Hi Beena, tks ya! ;)
ReplyDeleteSathya ~~> Hehe, U r always remembered ya...especially that banana leaf meal! :)
Simply Food ~~> It's my pleasure ya! ;)
Vinolia ~~> Hi dear,if I can..I would have passed the awards to whole bloggers..hehehe!
Owh, so sweet of U..U too have a great days ahead! :)
Priya ~~> Hi dear, Owh that's so sweet of U n ur hubby! hehe!
I'm a Malaysian born dear. My grandparents were from Sri Lanka, tamilian. ;)
Mary Moh ~~> No mention ya, U really deserved them! ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks ya Love for the award tp dono which one to take coz sounds too good for me....